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Cheat Ninja Saga God Mode Terbaru Ns Agustus 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga God Mode [August 2011 100% work],Cheat Ninja Saga God Mode Terbaru Ns Agustus 2011 nah sekrang saatnya share Cheat Ninja Saga, silahkan disimak masbro :

Cheat Ninja Saga God Mode Terbaru Ns Agustus 2011


* Fidler
* Swf File


1. First download Fidler
2. Then install Fidler
3. Run Fidler
4. Click AutoResponder Tab
5. Check the "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
6. Drop the SWF file that you downloaded earlier to the column Autoresponder
7. Go to Ninja Saga
8. After that clean the cache (see how clean the cache)
9. Select a new character will you play

How clean the cache:

* For Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Select Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome : Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

How to Use:

* You just go to the Academy, then you can buy the attribute elements that you want.

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